The editorial considers only those materials that fully comply with the requirements indicated below.

The incomplete package of materials is not considered

  1. Submitted articles should contain research results that are ready for use in the practical work of specialists of agriculture, or to be of educational interest.
  2. The size of the article, including applications, must be within 5...15 pages. Font size – 14, spacing – 1.5, headset Times New Roman, margins (top, bottom, right, left) 20 mm, page orientation – portrait (see sample Annex 1).
  3. The tables are presented in Word format. Formula in the standard Word equation editor (Microsoft Equation 3.0), structural chemical in ISIS / Draw or scanned.
  4. Graphic material (pictures, drawings, diagrams, photographs) are provided in the text (JPG, TIF, GIF resolution at least 300 dpi) in black and white format.
  5. The list of references should be prepared in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. In the text are obligatory references to the sources from the list (example: [5, p. 24], or (Ivanov, 2008, p. 17)). The number of sources should be in the range of 5-15 items. (see sample Annex 2).
  6. The authors present (simultaneously):

- article in print (see sample Annex 1) – 1 copy, without handwritten inserts, on one side of a standard sheet, signed on the back of the last page of all authors;

- abstract (see sample Annex 3).

  1. The structure of the material as a whole should look like the following:

- UDC;

- the names and initials of authors (in Russian and English);

- article title (in Russian and English);

- abstract and key words (Russian and English);

- information about the author (author number should not exceed 5 people); (in Russian and English);

- the text of the article;

- list of sources used (in Russian and English).

  1. Articles will not be returned. Proof is given to the authors only for the control,

edit it is not carried out.

  1. Materials sent in full by e-mail, by agreement with the editorial board, must be duplicated on paper (the article must be signed by the author).
  2. Board with graduate students full-time budget form of education (only authors), Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the publication of manuscripts is not charged.
  3. The units of measurement cited in the paper should correspond to GOST 8.417-2002, GSI «Unit quantities».
  4. Reduction of terms and expressions shall be given in accordance with the rules of the Russian language, and, in cases, different from standardized, only after the reference in the text full of them (eg. lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)).
  5. Contact details: 355017, Stavropol, Zootechnical lane, 12.
  6. For more information please contact: Tel.: (8652) 315900 (EXT. 1167 in tone. mode); E-mail:, website: