In accordance with the applicable international and Russian legislation on protection of copyright (intellectual property rights), scientific works (articles) are protected by law. A scientific paper is the result of intellectual activity and subject to copyright. For publication in the journal «Agrarian Bulletin of the North Caucasus» you must fulfill the following conditions:

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  2. In the case of using the borrowed material (illustrations, quotations, tables, etc.) the author must obtain permission for their use from the copyright holder. Written confirmation of permission should be attached to the manuscript.
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  5. The Embassy accepts only original manuscripts not previously published in other publications. Each article should be submitted to the editor on a paper medium signed by all authors. Otherwise, the publisher reserves the right to withdraw the article from publication (distribution) and demand from the author of the damages incurred by the publisher in this regard.
  6. Publication and distribution of articles in journals is carried out only on the basis of the contract on the publication of articles in the journal «Agrarian Bulletin of the North Caucasus». The contract will be sent to the Author after the article will be pre-screened. After signing the contract, he should be sent in hard copy (required) the address of the publisher. The contract should be completed electronically in MS Word format or hand-printed and signed by all authors (co-authors, copyright holders).

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the editorial Board of the journal «Agrarian Bulletin of the North Caucasus»